Please find below important software and tools download links for building chatbots using Microsoft Bot Framework. You can build the chatbots using Bot Builder SDK and Bot Framework Composer.

Building chatbots using Bot Builder SDK

  1. Visual Studio 2019 or later (Visual Studio 2022 more preferred)
  2. Visual Studio Code (Alternative to Visual Studio)
  3. Bot Framework Emulator (For Testing bot locally)
  4. Bot Builder SDK v4 Templates for Visual Studio
  5. ngrok (For remote debugging and testing)

Building Chatbots using Bot Framework Composer

  1. Node.js (14.x or above with npm)
  2. .NET Core SDK 3.1 or above
  3. Bot Framework Composer
  4. Visual Studio for extending your composer project
  5. Bot Framework Emulator for testing
  6. ngrok

Overview of above software and tools

About the author linkedin logo

Skilled in Microsoft Technologies, Bot Framework, Test Automation and Core Java. Also, have strong knowledge of the Hospitality and Tourism industry. Interested in RPA, Cognitive Services, and Chatbot Technology.